Episode 35 - The 2018 Quarterfinals

Tue, Jul 24, 2018

Read in 2 minutes

This one's all about the 2018 quarterfinals Philadelphia's surprising triumph over Boston, the Gladiator's 5000 IQ play (and their ultimate defeat), and a Battle Mercy who racks up a 3k in damage.

Episode 35 - The 2018 Quarterfinals

This one’s all about the 2018 quarterfinals Philadelphia’s surprising triumph over Boston, the Gladiator’s 5000 IQ play (and their ultimate defeat), and a Battle Mercy who racks up a 3k in damage.

Finally, we make our predictions for next week’s semifinals, including Ashton’s dream of seeing London and Philly face off in the Grand Finals later this month. Eric guarantees this won’t happen.

And yes, I’m writing this well after the semifinals have already taken place. Hindsight’s 2020.

Show Notes and Format


News * OWL signs broadcast deal with Disney and ESPN * OWL Playoffs had 127,000 viewers on Disney XD - Reddit * What’s going on with Fissure? He tells us himself on Reddit * Effect talks about quitting pro OW on Twitch - Reddit * “OWL’s first MVP illustrates its support problem” - Kotaku

Patch Notes and Balance Changes


Concluding Remarks